Don’t end up in the ‘NO’ pile! 

Strategic Job Search

Are you stepping into the new year with excitement and a sense of fresh beginnings? Whatever your plans for 2025 may be, we wish you success, joy, and fulfilment in the year ahead.

As you know, the start of a new year is a perfect moment to reflect on the past, learn from its lessons, and set goals for the future. It’s a time filled with hope and possibility, perfect for self-reflection and planning the path forward.

If you are asking yourself the big, scary question “What am I doing with my life?” perhaps we can help you navigate this answer.

At Keyba Careers, we can’t solve all your problems, but we can guide you toward setting yourself up for success. You deserve to walk through life proud, with a sense of belonging and purpose! Earn financial independence and freedom. At the end of the day, we all work to earn money so we can support our wants and needs.

Be Strategic with Your Job Search

Just like applying to jobs you don’t qualify for, carelessly submitting your resume to as many jobs as possible is a no-no.

If you are looking for long-term employment, you can’t be throwing your resume out and about and hoping someone will pick you up. Only apply for jobs that are appropriate for you.

Why? If you ignore specific information and questions listed in the job ad, or you’re ‘copying and pasting’ emails to hiring managers without any personal introduction, your application will be put into the ‘NO’ pile.

Often people force themselves into jobs based on salary, convenience or what others think they should do – but this doesn’t have to be the case! Additionally, if you dislike interacting with customers, don’t apply for a role that is customer service-based. 

Even if you are feeling desperate to find employment, you must find a job that also suits you. Forcing yourself into a job that isn’t right for you, won’t work out in the end, for your employer or yourself. You need to be in the right head space with no outside influences or issues that will stop you from performing for your next employer.

Remember, the job you’re applying for today doesn’t have to be your job forever! But it needs to align with you, your values, and your interests.

Finding the right job for you takes commitment, and unfortunately, can take time – but trust us, it is worth it, without even realising it can positively impact the rest of your life.

If you’ve been applying for jobs with no success or you’re lacking drive and motivation, let’s try something new. Stop feeling overwhelmed and lost during your job search – refocus your energy on finding a job you’ll thrive in because it aligns with your goals

The first step to successful employment and setting yourself up for success is self-reflection. To set goals and be strategic with your job search, you need to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, including your values, motivations, strengths, and areas for growth.

Now here’s the great news! For as little as the cost of a latte*, take this first step and check out Keyba Careers’ Crash Course Setting Yourself Up for Success.

In this short program, we break down the power of mindset and shifting self-doubt. As well as exploring your values, motivations, strengths and areas for growth. This online course will help you develop a plan aligned with what truly matters to you, to help you navigate your career.

Determination, motivation and resilience are crucial to secure employment. Let’s just focus on you and your goals for now. Now is the time to put thought, interest and strategy into yourself and your career plan to build a concise and realistic plan for success in 2025 and beyond.

Special Offer

*Take advantage of our Special Offer! You can do this short online course for as little as $5! Here’s the deal: When you purchase another Keyba Careers Course, you’ll receive 50% off this course – Setting Yourself Up for Success!

How will you learn?

  • We’ve designed each course to be accessible from your desktop, tablet or mobile.
  • Our courses are self-paced so you can learn at a speed that suits you. Once you’re registered, enjoy 12 months of access to the rich resources at your fingertips. 
  • Each course is broken down into concise topics to make it easy for you to understand, absorb and complete.
  • View short video clips, making the learning process more engaging and effective.
  • Download additional resources to keep for future reference.
  • Each course is offered in 100 different languages plus you can enjoy the feature of listening to the program ensuring accessibility for learners.

Click here to take the first step to maximise your potential! Take me to the course

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