Written by Carina Wilson, Keyba Careers. 20-year old student, juggling part-time and casual work, plus uni. Completed VCE in 2017.
The questions we all hate being asked, “What are you doing next year? Are you going to uni?” This question pops up in just about every conversation you have, and by the 700th time we just want to scream, “Yeah, I don’t know what I’m doing with my life!’
At 17 you don’t need to have your life sorted out. There is so much pressure around what you have to do, or “should” do, after finishing secondary school. But all you want to do is get through Year 12! It’s an overwhelming year, full of conversations about what you can do after school, and the hundreds of career choices and pathways you can choose.
But it’s okay to be confused and not know what you want to do! Even if you don’t end up getting the ATAR you want, there are so many different options and pathways; you will eventually get there.
‘You Don’t Have to Have it All Figured Out – But You Do Need to Be Prepared’
Some people don’t want to go to uni and are happy to jump straight into (hopefully) full-time work after Year 12. Others want to take a gap year and travel, doing whatever the hell they want, which is also fine! There are no right or wrong choices. You have the power to choose whatever path you want.
Regardless of what path you take, we’re all in the same boat. Eventually, you need to generate some sort of income for yourself (unless your parents are filthy rich, and you can comfortably live off their money for the rest of your life!) Whether you choose to find a job in retail, hospitality, a trade or in corporate business; full-time, part-time or casual, you need the same essential skills to nail that interview.
The Interview
At the end of the day, you are an investment to the company or business you aspire to work for. And no one is going to invest in you if you don’t shine in your interview and show them what you’ve got. It’s important you present well (neat, clean, appropriate clothes) and speak correctly (polite, well-mannered, answer questions formally). I’m sure those of you who have never had a job are already thinking, “What the hell are they even going to ask me in the interview? It can’t be that hard?”. Well, it is, if you’re not prepared. The employer/interviewer will ask certain questions to test how you perform under pressure, how you present yourself, how well you understand questions, and how you interpret and answer them. And, most importantly, they are trying to work out if you’re a good fit for their business.
We have a solution!
Keyba Careers has put together an online program to help prepare you for your interview. It’s online, so you can access it anywhere on your phone or laptop. It is made up of 7 lessons that provide real-time industry knowledge and insight into everything you need to know about the Australian market/workforce. You’ll learn and gain the practical skills, not taught at school, so you’re job-ready. The valuable tips and assistance provided in this program are industry-relevant and contain everything we’ve learned over the years, for your benefit!
What’s included?
- Online training
- Self-paced
- 1 year full access
- Industry based learning
- Made up of 7 modules
- Access to free downloads/cheat-sheets used in KBA’s industry training programs
- Workbooks – download in Word or Google Docs – self-reflection – ‘What are you going to do differently’
- Read aloud button on every page
- Translates in over 100 languages
- Videos and visuals in every lesson
- Multiple choice quiz to test your knowledge
- Certificate of Completion to include in your resume and demonstrate to your potential employer your understanding of the workforce
If you like the sound of that, then give the first lesson a try – it’s completely FREE. It might just help you with your next interview!
Good luck with your studies and future work! Click here to register!