Hiring the perfect young person to start out in your business can be extremely beneficial as young people can become loyal, valuable employees, bringing fresh ideas and enthusiasm into your business.
The challenge however, is finding that right young person who is the perfect fit to be your next performing star.
That’s where the Keyba Careers ‘Employer Engagement Program’ can help!
Keyba Careers has a new initiative to help young people prepare for the workforce, making it easier for employers to find the perfect fit for their organisation.
There are three simple stages to KBA’s new strategy for hiring the perfect young person for your organisation.
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[bs_citem title=”Job Ad” id=”citem_3d28-2e30″ parent=”collapse_6d85-1e90″]
Stage one is focused on creating an attractive job ad to reach a large pool of applicants. By doing so, you will have the leisure of choosing the best applicants that can move through to stage two. [/bs_citem]
[bs_citem title=”The Program” id=”citem_4918-9ef1″ parent=”collapse_6d85-1e90″]
As part of stage two, applicants will be required to complete the Keyba Careers short online course. The benefit of stage two, is that those applicants who you will be meeting at the group interviews (stage 3), will already have a developed understanding of what you expect from them as a business owner. This will also demonstrate to you, those applicants who are motivated enough for the job and those who aren’t. [/bs_citem]
[bs_citem title=”Group Interviews” id=”citem_7914-2f5e” parent=”collapse_6d85-1e90″]
Group interviews are a great way to interview a large number of people, saving you valuable time and money. Group interviews give you the opportunity to see how people work in a team, how they communicate, collaborate and problem-solve. At the end of the day you will have your choice of the best fit for your organisation! [/bs_citem]